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The skill of choosing porcelain tableware

Ceramic Mug Group Key:
From Ceramic Mug Group,Some porcelain tableware on human health has certain harm, because they are using overglaze colors. Glazes containing harmful effects in the color of the metal lead, can affect the person's blood, blood vessels and nerves, kidney and other organs. When the body absorb certain lead, abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting.

Therefore, the use of ceramic tableware when we should pay attention to the following questions:
1.Don't choose choose ceramic dinnerware overglaze colors, especially the tableware of pottery decorated walls not coloured drawing or pattern. Can choose glazed or glair decoration, like green is a kind of people like to glazed ceramic decoration.
2.the tableware of pottery and porcelain, buy back in the first four vinegar contains boiled water, can remove soak most toxic substances, greatly reduce the tableware of pottery and porcelain of human potential hazards.
3.don't long-term use of acidic food and tableware of pottery deposit, wine, fruit juice and coffee drinks. Because the tableware of pottery acidic foods or beverages fills the longer, the higher the temperature, the easier it will be to dissolve the lead, equal to accentuate the soluble lead and side effects.

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