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What kind of ceramic coffee mugs for Nestle coffee

Ceramic Mug Group Key:Wholesale Porcelain mugs
From China Ceramic Mug Manufacturers,In recent years, under the concept that coffee must be drunk hot, mugs makers even match this kind of stress to develop ceramic coffee mugs with heat preservation effect, or even better bone china mug than porcelain mugs. Using bone china cup with animal ashes in this texture can slow down the temperature of coffee in the cup. But because its price is much more expensive than the former two, it is rarely used in general families and can only be seen in the more exquisite coffee shop. To a certain extent, it highlights certain advantages. With the development of the times, their size, color and style are also changing and maturing, attracting more and more people to understand and appreciate it. It can be said that ceramic coffee cups suppliers has its own life.

The simplicity of the custom sublimation mugs and the mellowness of the porcelain cup respectively mark different coffee attitudes.

Ceramic mugs: it has a thick texture and is suitable for deep roasted and full-bodied coffee.

Wholesale Porcelain mugs: the most common, can just explain the delicate flavor of coffee. Among them, the coffee cups made of high-grade porcelain clay and animal bone powder is light in texture, soft in color, high in density and good in heat preservation, which can make the coffee lower in temperature more slowly. It is the best choice to show the coffee flavor.

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