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Dehua Huaxi ceramic factory

Dehua Huaxi ceramic factory] focuses on customized production of ceramic cups, mainly undertakes customized production orders of various domestic and foreign ceramic mugs, coffee cups, office meeting cups, advertising cups and other daily ceramic products and processing orders of samples of other ceramic products; Huaxi ceramic factory provides personalized services from development, design, production and packaging integration, which has been online so far, serving many domestic and foreign individuals Group organizations, large and medium-sized enterprises, institutions and government agencies, etc., are well received by the industry and customers! Our factory is located in Pengxiang Development Zone, Dehua County, Quanzhou, Fujian Province, the world's porcelain capital. Our factory has strong production capacity and advanced industrial cluster supporting facilities. We can truly achieve online order receiving and offline seamless docking production, so that we can better understand and close to customer needs, provide customers with design and customized production plans, and absolutely guarantee the quality of products and services. Huaxi ceramic factory is based on the changing market demand, starting from the most original products, and strengthening product design and innovation. In the new round of "Internet +" economic form, the use of Internet thinking is bound to push our factory products to a wider range of domestic and international markets, and vigorously promote the Chinese ceramic culture, and create the era of our new porcelain. We have enough production capacity and service resources, and are ready to negotiate business cooperation with you at any time. So, you can use telephone or instant chat tools to contact us now!
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